Home – Pathology
BacT/AlerT 3D 60
Automated Microbial Detection System for Blood and Body Fluid Culture
Automated System for ldentification and Drug Susceptibility of Routine Culture with Advance Expert System.
With MIC interpretation & Global CLSI-2023 based + Natural Resistance.
- All types of Routine and special Blood Tests are done by using Fully Automated Cell Counter with Automated Barcode Identification System.
- Gives results with 100% accuracy and highest degree of precision.
- All slides are directly examined under Microscope and reported by our Specialist Oncopathologist.
- Bone Marrow Aspiration and Trephine Biopsy is done by the Oncopathologist.

- Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) done and reported by Oncopathologist (both USG Guided and Superficial).
- USG guided procedures are conducted by Radiologist and Pathologist in Unison.
- Cervical Pap test sample collected by Oncopathologist herself (Not by any technician or OPD sister) as perfect Sample Collection is the most important step for proper reporting.
- All Samples are reported as per latest “The Bethesda System” guideline. So internationally challenged and accepted.
- Body Fluid Cytology and Cell Block preparation are processed by highly qualified technician using latest technology and reported by Oncopathologist in this pathology Lab in Uttarpara.
All types of Biochemical tests are done by fully automated Biochemical analyser (Selectra Pro S Participats in Merck Germany) using latest, technology.
Besides, we third party EQAS programme every month and the results are highly satisfactory.
Fully Automated Hormone Analyzer (VIDAS) . (Bio Merieux SA 69280 Marcy I’Etoile – Imported From France)
- Comply with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 certified Quality System and with Quality System Regulation requirements ( 21 CFR 820 – US FDA).
- All Hormonal Assay and Tumour Marker Reports (Thyroid Profile , Vit-D3, Beta-HCG, Serum lgE, PSA, Prolactin, CA-125, AFP etc are given with 100 % accuracy in 30 – 40 minutes).
- NT-Pro BNP, Procalcitonin all are done using VIDAS and provide the report on the same day on an urgent basis.
- No cross contamination.
- Automated Barcode Identification System.
- Values are accepted and appreciated worldwide.
- 6 Drug Panel & Alcohol Detection – We provide ‘ON SPOT’ Reports within 30 minutes (MAX) for Drug & Alcohol abusers / addicted patients.

- Biopsy (HPE) Grossing is done by Oncopathologist herself in our Diagnostic Centre and a complete, comprehensive report including staging and other prognostic features as per latest CAP(College of American Pathologist) cancer protocol classification are given by her in 5 to 7 working days.
- Trucut Biopsy (Core Biopsy): is a simple OPD procedure done by using a Bard Gun (2.2 cm) under Local Anaesthesia, by our Oncopathologist. Report is delivered within 5 to 6 working days.
- Bone Marrow Aspiration Procedure, Testing and Reporting by our Renowned Oncopathologist and Trephine Biopsy.
Under direct supervision of an MD ( Microbiology), Gold Medalist, all types of bacteriological, BACTEC and Fungal Culture, Blood and any Body Fluid Culture are done. Culture & Sensitivity tests are done using latest CLSI Guidelines. Both Aerobic and Anaerobic Culture are run on Urine, Stool, Semen, High Vaginal Swab, Pus, Throat Swab and Sputum, OT Swab Culture, Catheter Tip, ETT, MTB Complex etc. More than 30 Antibiotics, including 4th Generation are used for Antibiogram (sensitivity). AST(Antibiotic Sensitivity Reports are done through fully automated( VITEK) with MIC values.