Do you think we need to talk about mental health issues in children? If you were wary of the response, then the above statistics clearly showcase the urgency of addressing this medical situation.

Have you ever experienced your child behaving cranky or crying when they missed a nap or woke up irritable? This clearly sets the target for their sleep deprivation schedule. Inadequate sleep impacts mood and behavior. Despite most families knowing the importance of sleep for overall health, according to the National Sleep Foundation, nearly 30% of children and 75% of teenagers do not get enough sleep. Isn’t that a startling statistic?

Seeking advice from experts at the best polyclinic in Hooghly is the way toward a fulfilling life. Quality sleep routine facilitates the brain’s processing of emotional information as well. This not only enhances the mental well-being of the child; but also assists in the upbringing of the educational understanding of the young mind.

Recent statistics show over 300 million people worldwide are suffering from depression and over 75% of depressed people show symptoms of insomnia. There are specific mental health problems that can seep into the young mind while you are ignorant about their well-being:

  • Depression
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • ADHA (Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Autism Spectrum disorder

Quick tips to promote healthy sleep order in children:

  • Promote sleep as a family
  • Get moving during the day
  • Manage screentime
  • Avoid caffeine intake in the form of coffee, tea, chocolate, etc
  • Follow Bedtime Relaxation techniques
  • Dim the lights and put away electronic devices
  • Block out excess sound
  • Get a regular exercise regime
  • Maximise comfort and support from your mattresses, pillows, and bedding
  • Create a slumber-worthy sleep environment

Be sure to share with your child’s doctor, any sleep issues that you may be noticing in your child. Get access to the Super Specialty Polyclinic in Hooghly to arrange for the best advice for your child’s sleep routine correction. Sleep plays a pivotal role in the balanced growth of a child as well as fosters mental health. Training your child on good sleep habits early would majorly impact his milestone achievement over the period.  It is never too late, to begin with, the right routine to include a quality sleep routine in your lifestyle.

Statistics from Sleep and Mental Health Records reflect a 40% of the population suffers from insomnia. Between 10% and 30% of adults struggle with chronic insomnia; ie 1 in every 2000 adults is suffering today. Let us gift our children and tweens the most peaceful upbringing that they deserve. It is just a matter of simple lifestyle alterations and adopting an active lifestyle. Dr. MNC Path Lab, a leading Doctor’s Clinic in Hooghly is raging in Kolkata with high-quality infrastructure and learned medical practitioners from across medical facilities. You surely do not wish to see your child suffering from any of the above-stated illnesses due to lack of sleep. Do you? Seek guidance from experts today!